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联系人:陈 (女士)



深圳市诚蒙鑫光电工程有限公司成立于2006年,是一家专注于LED户外景观亮化工程灯具与灯光控制系统的设计、研发、生产、销售、工程及服务的工厂企业。公司自成立以来始终坚持自主创新的产品原创设计理念和严谨的生产工艺控制,取得了多项高价值的专利技术,产品性能已达到行业内先进水平,多年来诚蒙鑫光电已打造出许多经典的户外景观亮化工程。 本公司主要生产的LED户外灯具产品有:LED线条灯、LED护栏管、LED洗墙灯、LED点光源、LED投光灯、LED射灯、LED地埋灯、LED瓦楞灯、LED水底灯、LED壁灯、LED太阳能路灯、LED隧道灯、LED庭院灯、LED景观灯、LED节日灯等,广泛应用于市政工程、楼体大厦、桥梁、园林景观、游乐场、开发区、广场、别墅区、公路、酒店、高档会所等场所。公司一直坚持走高品质、精品产品的路线,加强质量管理,严格按照ISO9001/2000版质量体系,同时,我们也积极开展产品的安全认真工作,致力于产品的国际化,与国际认证产品并轨,被评为“世界知名品牌”“中国著名品牌”“中国市政工程推荐品牌”“中国驰名品牌”“中国名优产品”等。 公司经过多年的沉淀及不断发展,已于2014年在佛山市顺德区世友工业城自购工厂生产基地,我们将以雄厚的实力,强大的生产制造力,合理的价格,优质的服务,为广大客户朋友们提供全方位的LED户外景观亮化工程解决方案,诚蒙鑫愿与您一起携手并进,共同建设出更多更美的城市景观亮化! Shenzhen Chengmengxin photoelectric electric engineering co., LTD., founded in 2006, is a factory specializing in the design, development, production, sales, engineering and service of LED outdoor lighting engineering lamps and lighting control system. Since its inception, the company has always adhered to the original product design concept of independent innovation and strict production process control, has obtained a number of high-value patent technology, product performance has reached the industry's advanced level, over the years Chengmengxin photoelectric has created many classic outdoor landscape lighting project cases. The company mainly produces LED outdoor lighting products: LED line light, LED guardrail tube, LED wash wall lamp, LED project-light lamp, LED buried lights, LED underwater lights, LED wall lamp, LED point light source, LED corrugated lights, LED solar street light, LED tunnel lights, LED garden lights, LED landscape lights, LED holiday lights, etc., are widely used in municipal engineering, building buildings, Bridges, landscape, amusement park, development zone, square, villa, roads, hotels, upscale clubs and other places. Company always adhere to high quality, the high-quality goods product line, strengthen quality management, in strict accordance with ISO9001/2000 edition quality system, at the same time, we also actively carry out product safety work in earnest, committed to the internationalization of products, products with international certification system, was named "the world famous brand" "Chinese famous brand" "China municipal engineering recommend brand" "Chinese famous brand" "Chinese famous quality products", etc. Company after years of precipitation and development, in 2014, in the friend, shunde district, foshan city, industrial city of epw factory production base, we will with solid strength, strong production strength, reasonable prices, excellent service, customers friends to provide a full range of LED outdoor landscape lighting engineering solutions, chengmengxin is willing to work with you hand in hand together, work together for a more beautiful city landscape lighting more!